We all hear tons of incredible success stories about people who, with their innovative ideas and hard work, become an instant sensation. What motivates these people to transform and succeed?
It seems that success often comes easily to certain people. It’s almost like they are better tuned for it. Knowingly or unknowingly they are hitting the right notes.
In fact, by hearing and observing these stories, we can fairly assume that intelligence and hard work aren’t the only ingredients involved here.
Sometimes, people who are not very smart or intelligent may succeed due to their sheer desire to achieve and their obsession with their dream.
If we look at highly successful people from all over the world, we will find a lot of qualities, some similar and some unique, in each of them that contributed to their journey to transform and succeed.
Our education system teaches children how to excel academically, but it never teaches how they can deal with problems in life. We are made to believe from a very young age, that to achieve success we only need to excel at our studies.
Many times, people who were average in school, outperform their once academically gifted classmates a few years down the line.
There can be qualities, habits, and even luck, that may have contributed to their success. I have narrowed it down to 5 vital ingredients that we need to make good use of, to transform and succeed at anything and everything.
Well, it sounds pretty generic, right?
Of course, you may say, “We all know that to achieve something, we ought to know what is it that we want to achieve.” It sounds really simple, but there are many people who don’t have a defined goal half the time.
We usually don’t drive around in a car without a destination in mind. We may do it if we have a lot of time and fuel. But, if we are short on time and fuel, we will find the destination and also research the shortest or the fastest way to get there, depending on whether we want to save fuel or time.
Similarly, in life, we don’t want to just glide around aimlessly. We have limited time, and maybe limited resources as well. So, it is important that we set goals as early as possible in life.
Now in your teens, you may not be clear about how you see yourself when you’re 50. That’s okay, maybe you just want to set a goal for 3 years or 5 years.
The results achieved by meeting those goals should be very close to your heart. The results you anticipate will play a big part in keeping you motivated and you’re less likely to quit midway.
The goals must be time bound. That way you can review them and make mid-course corrections in case you feel you will not be able to achieve those goals in the given time.
But remember, time is only to keep you moving by adding a sense of urgency. Failure to meet your goals in the given time should not put you down. In fact, you should take positives from the progress you have made so far.
I have kept planning and action together as they must work hand in glove.
All the plans are a bunch of words written somewhere. They mean nothing more than a dreamland fictional story unless they are fabricated through concrete action.
Similarly, it’s also not the smartest approach to act a lot without a well-thought plan. You may end up wasting a lot of time and resources trying out things that you could have avoided if you had worked on a plan.
Therefore, once you have a goal, plan how can you start and how will you reach the goal over time. Then just take the plunge and dive head first into it.
This ingredient probably has the highest impact on your journey to transform and succeed. Commitment simply means the quality to remain dedicated to a cause or an activity.
It is the unwavering focus towards the goal which includes factors like the desire to reach the goal, self-motivation, dedication, will to perform and maintain high morale through the ups and downs.
A sense of commitment is what will keep you going through the lows, and humble on the highs.
People who display this quality always believe that going through the hardest times often lead us to the greatest moments of our lives.
Commitment is the hallmark of successful people, who never deviate from their goals despite the toughest odds against them.
There can be two aspects of faith – faith in yourself and spiritual faith. The question isn’t if you believe in God or not. By faith, I mean believing in yourself or something that gives you positive hope even in the worst situations.
Faith is a lot deeper than confidence. Minor setbacks in life can dampen your confidence every now and then. But if you have a strong belief system, you will resurface quickly, brimming with confidence and, ready to take the bull by its horns.
As I said earlier, commitment keeps you going through the thick and thin, but it is only with faith and belief, that one begins to enjoy the journey itself. One becomes more aware of his/her own emotions by trusting and believing in themselves.
Faith is what makes us optimistic even in the most unfavorable conditions.
The last ingredient to transform and succeed is a positive attitude.
The other 4 ingredients that I earlier spoke about are actually all that you need to achieve anything in life. But then why do I choose to add positive attitude as the fifth ingredient?
If you see how a suicide bomber prepares himself for an attack, he will definitely possess all the first four qualities. He has a goal, a plan and he’s acting on it. He is committed to his mission and he has deep faith in his cause.
What he lacks is the positive attitude.
Don’t set goals to hurt someone or to avenge some tragedy that happened with you. A man with a positive attitude does not get into unhealthy competition. In fact, he learns to compete with himself. A positive attitude is what will keep us happy and lively, even when things are not quite right.
I believe that everyone’s ultimate goal is to be a useful member of the society and dedicate as much as we can towards the larger good of the mankind. We can only spread love and serve people if we have a positive attitude.
Thanks a lot for reading. Let us know about your stories and what motivates you to succeed. Keep spreading love and joy. All the best!
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Young entrepreneur based in Bangalore.
Loves traveling to new places, trying out new things, a fitness enthusiast, Gunners fan, and a music lover.